BRUM, A. F.; COELHO, G. P.; SANTOS, A. A. S.; SCHIOZER, D. J. "Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Well Placement Optimization in Petroleum Fields", Computational Geosciences, Novembro, 2024.
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OLIVEIRA, I. M.; OLIVEIRA, G. S.; SCHIOZER, D. J. "Well Representation in Reservoir Simulation Models Considering the Impact of Discrete Fracture Network Upscaling", Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas, Novembro, 2024.
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PERALTA SANCHEZ, A. F.; BOTECHIA, V. E.; SANTOS, A. A. S.; SCHIOZER, D. J. "Model-based Production Strategy Optimization for a Heavy Oil Reservoir Considering Waterflooding and Intelligent Wells", Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Outubro, 2024.
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HOHENDORFF FILHO, J. C. V.; MENEZES, D. E. S.; SCHIOZER, D. J. "Investigating Well Management Considering Integration of Reservoir and Production System in Life Cycle Reservoir Performance, Energy Demand, and Carbon Emission", Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas, Setembro, 2024.